Apakah Anda Mencari Wisata Pantai Pelabuhan Aqaba? Nikmati Tur kami dari Pelabuhan Aqaba untuk Menyaksikan pemandangan Yordania yang menakjubkan dan Alami sementara kapal Pesiar Anda berlabuh di Pelabuhan Aqaba. Nikmati Kota Merah Mawar Petra, Jelajahi Gurun Wadi Rum, Terapung di Air Asin Laut Mati,...
Petra By Night
Di masa lalu, kunjungan ke Petra belum lengkap tanpa menghabiskan malam di reruntuhan, mengembara di jalan berbatu di bawah sinar bulan dan tidur di gua makam.
Yordania , Anda harus ada di sini!
Tidak salah lagi fakta bahwa Yordania adalah Kerajaan yang kaya akan sejarah dan budaya. Dari saat Anda tiba, Anda merasakan kekayaan warisannya; di sekelilingnya adalah sisa-sisa peradaban kuno yang sudah lama berlalu, namun mereka masih tetap ada, dicap ke dalam jalinan Kerajaan yang menakjubkan i...
Petra adalah situs arkeologi terkenal di gurun barat daya Yordania. Bertanggal sekitar 300 SM, itu adalah ibu kota Kerajaan Nabatean. Diakses melalui ngarai sempit yang disebut Al Siq, di dalamnya terdapat kuburan dan kuil yang diukir di tebing batu pasir merah muda, mendapatkan julukannya, "Kota Ma...
Laut Mati
Laut Mati adalah danau garam yang dibatasi oleh Yordania di timur dan Israel dan Tepi Barat di barat. Itu terletak di Jordan Rift Valley, dan anak sungai utamanya adalah Sungai Jordan. Permukaan dan pantainya 430,5 meter di bawah permukaan laut; Elevasi terendah di bumi di darat.

Dine with a local Family in Jordan (Dine with Local Bedouins and Jordanian )

There is no translation available.

What better way to have a true local experience than eating in Petra in a local home, sitting down and enjoying Jordanian food with the family. Receiving guests brings great honour in the Jordanian culture and you will experience the genuine warmth and welcome that your host bestows on you. Eating in Petra with a local family will allow you to taste the love and pride that Jordanian food is cooked with, not only filling your stomachs but also your hearts.

Your local English speaking host will meet you at your accommodation, or arranged meeting point, and accompany you to the location of your eating in Petra experience.

On arrival you will meet your host family and enjoy eating in Petra with them.

You will sit down with the family and eat until you think you are full. Only your host will insist that you eat more! When eating in Petra, ‘Al-ḥamdu lillāh’ is a phrase you will want to remember, as saying this when your host is insisting you eat yet another serving will save your very satisfied stomach. You will be met with the response of ‘Sahtein’ (to your health) from your host.

Eating in Petra is not complete without a cup of local tea, this will be served to finish off the experience. Your local host will then arrange for you to go back to your accommodation.

Eating in Petra – Local Cuisine Experience takes approximately 1-2 hours.

When eating in Petra with us you may choose from the following Jordanian food choices:

Maglooba: Literally translating to mean “Upside Down” this delicious dish is made with layers of Chicken, vegetables and rice in a saucepan. To serve the saucepan is turned upside down so that the chicken is now on top and the rice on the bottom. No one can refuse a second helping! (Can be made with no chicken upon request).

Seneyah: A favourite home-cooked meal of marinated chicken and vegetables that is cooked in the oven .

Mansaf: No trip to Jordan is complete without trying the national Dish of mansaf. Chicken is cooked in a sauce made from reconstituted dried yoghurt and served with boiled rice and shrak bread.

*There is a surcharge if you would like to make Mansaf using lamb. Please enquire when booking. For vegetarians we can offer an alternate dish using the yoghurt sauce.

Don’t forget to ask us about the opportunity to finish off your Jordanian food with desserts made by local women.


Price: 1 - 6 Persons 30JD per person,

For 7 and more peopleprice is:  25JD per person
Duration: 1-3 Hours
Transport: Not Included
Available: All Year for lunch and Dinner (Lunch not available during Ramadan)


Included in your Eco Experience:

Eating in Petra, lunch or dinner freshly prepared by a local family inside the home of a local family.
A local English speaking host who will translate and assist during your eating in Petra experience.
Ingredients for the meal that you will eat.
Consumption of the meal, including Jordanian tea and 1 soft drink per person
Drinking Water (filtered drinking water will be provided)
Organization/ booking fee.

Not included in your experience:

Other meals and drinks not mentioned above.
Transfers to/from the location of your eating in Petra experience, to/from an agreed meeting point in Wadi Musa.
Personal expenses.
Local desserts (please contact us if you would like to include this option)


 Wisata Jordan dan tanah suci terbaru, Hot dan Sering

Tentang Kami: Jordan Horizons Tours (JHT)

Kami menawarkan layanan berkualitas tinggi, di mana kami menghilangkan segala kekhawatiran dengan mengatur segala sesuatunya sesuai dengan keinginan Anda sebelumnya, mengirimi Anda rencana perjalanan terperinci dan informasi lengkap tentang pengaturan tur Anda.




Jordan Horizons Tours & Travel (JHT)

Mobile 1 : +962-799-610-139 (whatsApp Available/Messaging only)

Mobile 2 : +962-799-326-632 (whatsApp Available/Messaging only)

E-mail : jo.horizons@gmail.com