Stai cercando escursioni a terra dal porto di Aqaba? Goditi i nostri tour dal porto di Aqaba per ammirare gli incredibili paesaggi naturali della Giordania mentre la tua nave da crociera attracca nel porto di Aqaba. Goditi la città rosa rossa di Petra, esplora il deserto del Wadi Rum, galleggia nell...
Petra di notte
In tempi passati, una visita a Petra non era completa senza trascorrere una notte tra le rovine, vagando per i sentieri rocciosi al chiaro di luna e dormendo in una grotta tombale.
Giordania , Devi essere qui!
Non c'è dubbio che la Giordania sia un regno ricco di storia e cultura. Dal momento in cui arrivi, hai un'idea del suo ricco patrimonio; tutt'intorno ci sono resti di antiche civiltà passate da tempo, eppure rimangono ancora, impresse nel tessuto stesso di questo incredibile Regno e impresse nell'an...
Petra è un famoso sito archeologico nel deserto sud-occidentale della Giordania. Risalente al 300 a.C. circa, era la capitale del regno dei Nabatei. Accessibile tramite uno stretto canyon chiamato Al Siq, contiene tombe e templi scolpiti nelle scogliere di arenaria rosa, guadagnandosi il soprannome...
Il Mar Morto
Il Mar Morto è un lago salato delimitato dalla Giordania a est e da Israele e dalla Cisgiordania a ovest. Si trova nella Rift Valley del Giordano e il suo principale affluente è il fiume Giordano. La sua superficie e le sue rive sono a 430,5 metri sotto il livello del mare; L'elevazione più bassa de...

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Drones regulation in Jordan

Our News & Blog Super User 13645
There is no translation available.Jordan only permits the use of drones when authorised by/for one of the following entities for a prupose: - The Royal Film Commission Jordan- Jordan Tourism Board- For diplomats- Official work (usually government institutions)- If you apply in advance through the Jordanian Civil Aviation & Ministry of Interior, please check below (Update July 2022 ) , check : UAS Laws – General rules for flying drones in Jordan below *** It is otherwise illegal to own/carry or…
Immagine predefinita

Giordania viaggi incentive, Cosa fare e quali sono le opzioni? qui ce ne sono molti da considerare...

Our News & Blog Super User 14383
1- HENNA FANTASY NIGHT A PETRA O WADI RUM (PUÒ ESSERE FATTO OVUNQUE IN GIORDANIA) Unisciti ai membri di Henna nell'aprire le finestre alla bellezza e alla libertà, voliamo insieme con due ali, l'amore per la Giordania e l'appartenenza al patrimonio umano. ESPERIENZA HENNA FANTASIA Iniziamo raccogliendo i nostri ospiti dai loro hotel nella regione di Petra. I nostri ospiti vengono accolti nella bellissima sala da ballo del vecchio villaggio Resort con caffè arabo , accompagnati da uomini e donne…

Islamic Jordan Tours and Trips

Our News & Blog Super User 11128
There is no translation available.Jordan is a land - graced with sites, shrines and tombs of prophets and companions From the dawn of the Islamic faith Here the Faithful will learn better understanding & Enhance their faithJordan has been constantly settled throughout every single period of history since 9500 BC. It has always been a critical land bridge between Africa, Asia, Europe & Its neighbors, the great civilizations of the ancient world, have always sought to control it. The multitudes…

THINGS TO KNOW about Jordan

Our News & Blog Super User 9394
There is no translation available.Jordan is a truly dynamic country where a rich deep-seated Byzantine history meets a contemporary Arabic lifestyle. Like many Arabic countries, Jordan has an intricate set of cultural sensitivities and habits that travellers are advised to inform themselves about prior to their trip. What to Wear? As a general rule, Jordanian men and women are conservative, respectful and traditional dressers. Men wear long trousers and long sleeves even in the heat of the…

PETA re animal abuse in Petra

Our News & Blog Super User 12030
There is no translation available.Choose compassionate transport. An investigation by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals revealed the immense suffering of horses, donkeys, and camels forced to carry tourists under the hot desert sun at Petra. Handlers repeatedly hit the weary animals to keep them moving and between rides, they’re kept tied up, with no shade or relief from the heat. Please help to stop this cruelty by never taking an animal ride at Petra. New electric carts provide an…

Our Payment conditions and Methods are back as before COVID 19 , Jordan has no restrictions NOW !

Our News & Blog Super User 13817
There is no translation available.For your information and be informed that we are back to use the same terms and conditions for payment as before COVID 19 and this is effective since April 1st, 2022 PAYMENT METHODS, CONDITIONS, CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS Please check this link for more details :

Tours Starting From Eilat Border , FAQs , Recommendations & More

Our News & Blog Super User 11937
There is no translation available.#Tours Starting From Eilat Border , FAQs , Recommendations & More *Where is Eilat Border Wadi Araba ( Eilat/Aqaba Border ) /Yitzhak Rabin Crossing Location: In the south of Jordan, 324km away from Amman and near Aqaba; on the Israeli side, it is near Eilat. The two cities are Red Sea resorts. Located in the south of Israel, Eilat is nestled beside the Red Sea. As the town is so far south it is far from Israel’s popular cities. Both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are…

Jordan Incentive Tours ( Incentive Travel to Jordan by Jordan Horizons Tours)

Our News & Blog Super User 16949
There is no translation available.Jordan Horizons Tours is without peer in the design and delivery of meetings and incentive (MICE) programs. We custom design travel reward programs, creating a unique, memorable trip of a lifetime for your clients. Jordan has historically relied upon the regurgitation of incentive ideas, with the result that for the last few years it remained an area of stagnancy with the same old themes being quoted time and again. Meeting Incentive Conference And Exhibition…

Covid Travel Requirement (01 March 2022 ) Update : That's definitely better than expected

Our News & Blog Super User 15033
There is no translation available.Hello Everyone ; This is the official statement from the Jordan Tourism Board: "We are glad to announce that the Jordanian government has followed recommendations from the Ministry of Health today that will relax travel restrictions regarding Covid-19. As from the 1st of March 2022 travelers to Jordan will no longer need to conduct a PCR test before departure to Jordan nor will they need to conduct a PCR test upon arrival at the airports, land borders or sea…

Covid Travel Requirement (12th December 2021 ) Update

Our News & Blog Super User 15084
There is no translation available. Traveling instructions - All travelers whether vaccinated or not are required to bring a negative PCR test from the country of departure that should be done within maximum 72 hours prior to departure. - All travelers whether vaccinated or not must complete a health declaration and locator form at check-in if arriving by air, obtain health/travel insurance (For Non Jordanians), and visit to complete the required travel…

Covid Travel Requirement (16th November 2021 ) Update

Our News & Blog Super User 14931
There is no translation available. Before you travel to Jordan you will need to do the following : You are required to register on the website This will give you a QR code that you need to show for boarding your flight. You will need to have a negative PCR test within 72 hours of coming to Jordan. If you are fully vaccinated you don't require a PCR test on arrival at Queen Alia Airport. If you are not fully vaccinated you will be required to have a PCR test on…

New Travel Procedure to Jordan during Covid 19 (Updated as of 5th June 2021)

Our News & Blog Super User 17728
There is no translation available.TRAVEL to JORDAN UPDATE Good news for those who are looking to travel in 2021 - Jordan is opening up for tourism and travel. Come and see the wonders that Jordan has to offer. The people are waiting to welcome you with their famous hospitality. The Ministry of Tourism for Jordan has announced that there are new regulations (current from the 5th June 2021) for travelling to Jordan. For Guests travelling to Queen Alia Airport (Amman Airport) : Here are the…

Dine with a local Family in Jordan (Dine with Local Bedouins and Jordanian )

Our News & Blog Super User 19731
There is no translation available.What better way to have a true local experience than eating in Petra in a local home, sitting down and enjoying Jordanian food with the family. Receiving guests brings great honour in the Jordanian culture and you will experience the genuine warmth and welcome that your host bestows on you. Eating in Petra with a local family will allow you to taste the love and pride that Jordanian food is cooked with, not only filling your stomachs but also your hearts. Your…

6 Ways to Spend a Night in Wadi Rum

Our News & Blog Super User 22467
There is no translation available.6 Ways to Spend a Night in Wadi Rum ( Where to stay in Wadi Rum) Wadi Rum is a destination in its own right, both for its surreal landscape and pleasantly isolated location. To get the most out of your experience, you'll want to spend the night. Whether you want to feel like you've landed on Mars or prefer something a bit more down to earth, this list has you covered. Spending the Night in Wadi Rum Visiting Wadi Rum is an experience worthy of every travel…

Ultimate Guide to Wadi Rum - Jordan's Adventure Paradise

Our News & Blog Super User 20918
There is no translation available.An adventurer's paradise, Wadi Rum is a crown jewel of Jordan's ancient desert. Explore the rugged landscape from the back of a Jeep, ride a camel, or take a hike: no matter how you go, you won't be disappointed by this remote wonderland. Wadi Rum is one of the world's most beautiful deserts. More than just a sea of rolling dunes, this protected wilderness near Jordan's southern border is made unique by the dramatic sandstone and basalt mountains jutting out of…

Jordanian Food : 25 of the Best Dishes You Should Eat

Our News & Blog Super User 24357
There is no translation available.There’s a quote in Jordan and the Middle East that says something along the lines of: “Even when you’re full, you can still always eat 40 more bites of food.” And I believe it’s not nearly as shallow as just eating until you are stuffed, and then eating some more. But it’s rather a clear reflection on the importance of generosity and hospitality and the significance of food in the Jordanian culture (but let’s not get too deep here… it is about eating a lot of…

Driving in Jordan : Should I Rent a Car or Hire a Driver for my Jordan Tour?

Our News & Blog Super User 22294
There is no translation available.While renting a car and driving yourself around Jordan may seem like a good idea, supposedly allowing you to maximise your time and be flexible in your visits, the challenges of driving in Jordan can negatively affect or even ruin your vacation. Driving in Jordan requires strong concentration and an awareness of your surroundings, as well as loads of patience and stress management skills. It is only a matter of minutes and, while you are comfortably driving to…

New Travel Protocol for Jordan announced ( On 29th April 2021)

Our News & Blog Super User 20172
There is no translation available.The Jordanian Ministry of Tourism recently issued the protocol for visitors to Jordan. The protocol details steps to be taken by clients wishing to visit the country. Most notably, the Covid PCR test time has been extended to 120 hours before departure. It is expected that persons possessing vaccination certificates will be soon exempted from taking the PCR after arrival, but this decision will be confirmed once put into effect.Jordan also recently cancelled…

What to Eat in Jordan (and Where to Eat It)

Our News & Blog Super User 23671
There is no translation available.Roast lamb with tart yogurt sauce, syrupy pastries, and endless sweet tea and strong coffee: a trip to Jordan is a culinary experience that will leave you craving more. Read on to learn about the distinct flavors of Levantine cuisine, and where to try it all. Mansaf Jordan doesn’t have an official “national dish”—but if the country were to award such a distinction, mansaf would be the winner. A hearty plate of fall-off-the-bone-tender lamb over rice, what makes…

Music of Jordan

Our News & Blog Super User 24460
There is no translation available.The folk music of Jordan can be distinguished from that of its neighboring countries like Syria and Saudi Arabia by its strong Bedouin influence. Rural Zajal songs, with improvised poetry played with a Rabab and reed pipe ensemble accompanying is popular . Popular music The musician and composer Sameer Baghdadi, the Bedouin singer Omar Al-Abdullat, and Diana Karazon, winner of the Arab version of Pop Idol, are perhaps Jordan's biggest stars, known for his…

Re-opening the South (Wadi Araba) crossing in front of the movement of foreign tourists coming to Aqaba

Our News & Blog Super User 19849
There is no translation available.The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority announced that it was decided, within the next few days, to reopen the South (Wadi Araba) crossing in front of the movement of foreign tourists coming to Aqaba, within the conditions and approved health procedures and in coordination with all relevant stakeholders, especially health. The authority added that the maritime transport movement through the Arab Bridge Company will return to its usual activity of transport…

Top 10 Must-Do Activities While in Jordan

Our News & Blog Super User 21454
There is no translation available.Planning a trip to Jordan? Here's a list of the top ten activities to help give you an idea of great things to do. We've focused on unique things to do in Jordan that provide you with a more authentic experience. Dining in the Downtown Can you experience a new culture without tasting the food? No, is the answer. In Jordan, as in most places you’ll visit, the basics are the best. Falafel and hummus are the standard quick meal or a lovely way to spend the morning…

The Bedouins (Bedu) & Bedouin Hospitality in Jordan

Our News & Blog Super User 28703
There is no translation available.It is common to encounter some form of Bedouin hospitality in Jordan. The Bedouin, (“Bedu” in Arabic, meaning “desert dwellers”) are nomadic people who live in the desert. They mainly live in the Arabian and Syrian deserts, the Sinai in Egypt and the Sahara desert. In total world-wide, there are about 4 million Bedouin. There are Bedouin living in Israel and in Jordan. History of the BedouinMany Jordanian people are descendants from ancient Bedouin tribes.…

Best Time of Year to Visit Jordan

Our News & Blog Super User 30607
There is no translation available.Jordan is a year-round destination, but there are seasonal weather variations that travelers should be aware of. Spring and fall have the most predictable, pleasant temperatures and are therefore peak travel seasons. Winter tends to be rainy and unpredictable - it even snows in some places. Summer brings hot temperatures, but longer daylight hours allow travelers to use cooler early morning hours to explore Jordan's world-class sights. When should you go to…

How Many Days Should You Spend in Jordan?

Our News & Blog Super User 24285
There is no translation available.Whether you have two days or two weeks to spend, Jordan is an accessible destination for even the most hurried of travelers. From whirlwind tours of Petra to in-depth Holy Land tours and week-long treks, there's an option that suits every schedule. Jordan is a compact country with more than its fair share of must-see sites. Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea are all world-renowned attractions and are located within just a few hundred miles of each other. This,…

How to Visit Jordan from Israel - All you need to know about border crossing logistics and visa requirements

Our News & Blog Super User 28118
There is no translation available.Get the most out of your time in the region by visiting Jordan and Israel. Both countries are packed with things to do and see, and crossing the border is simple as long as you know what to expect. Read on to learn all about how to travel from Israel to Jordan. Israel holds a place on the bucket lists of archeology buffs and outdoor adventurers alike. Its neighbor to the east is Jordan, a must-visit destination in its own right: from Petra to Wadi Rum, this…

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Customer Information Update

Our News & Blog Super User 33429
There is no translation available.CORONAVIRUS TRAVEL UPDATE Due to the ongoing global impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the likelihood of international borders remaining closed for an extended period of time, Jordan Horizons Travel has suspended all tours globally until at least 30 September 2020 (and for further notice might be after to be updated later ) This global health crisis has impacted everyone enormously, so we want to make sure your future travel plans are safe, and reassure you…

Things To Know Before You Visit Petra

Our News & Blog Super User 27354
There is no translation available.“Traveling is the best form of education.” Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind before you take up a trip to Petra. 1. Best Time- Petra is relatively hot during the summer, meaning that you are better off visiting in the early morning or later in the afternoon if at all possible during the hottest days of the year (July and August). During spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November), temperatures are pleasant day long, hovering around the…

Jordan’s approach in managing coronavirus crisis

Our News & Blog Super User 23557
There is no translation available.*Update : 30 July 2020 The Jordanian Government's very proactive management and handling of the coronvirus Pandemic has seen Jordan praised worldwide for it's strategy. It has led to very few cases thanks to strict quarantine procedures and stringent testing. It has allowed Jordan to recieve the status of being a "Safe Country" to travel to. The Jordanian Minister of Transport announced that Queen Alia International Airport will reopen on the 5th August for…

Coronavirus (COVID 19) Updates

Our News & Blog Super User 24394
There is no translation available.Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, Jordan is in lockdown with 24 hour curfew in place. All but the essential services are closed including banks and the payment company that process the payments and refunds. The curfew has been extended as off the 30 March until the 15th April., then has been extended till 30th April . If you are following up on your refund please be assured that we have requested the refund from the payment company and you will receive it. If…


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